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12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
(+44) 871.075.0336
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Production Services

Phiphen has a fully operational production services arm with the experience to handle a large variety of project types spanning long- and short-form scripted, unscripted and livestreaming content across  a range of institutions from studios and digital platform to news outlets and Fortune 500 companies, among many others.

Phiphen’s production services encompass a wide range of expertise including budgeting, scheduling, production management, casting, crewing, on-set producing, production wrap and post production management. While Phiphen often handles productions from commencement through completion, the company is also contracted to consult on specific areas when needed. With decades of experience and several advisors on hand in the financial, tax and legal fields, Phiphen will leverage industry relationships and knowledge to maximize the production’s ability to succeed.


Phiphen’s consulting division was launched in 2019 and focuses on the early stages of development and script work to help clients get their projects into production. Phiphen executives will map out a strategy to navigate a project through the development, script and financing stages to maximize the opportunities available in the industry. By using our combined experience and industry relationships, Phiphen can provide a wealth of knowledge and services across all aspects of film and television to see a project to the finish line.